Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A man and a bird

     Once upon a time there was a lazy man who didn't work.  He didn't do much and slept all day long.  One day he noticed a bird's nest in his house.  Inside the nest was a little bird.  As he was watching the bird it lost its balance and fell on the floor and broke one of its legs.  So the lazy man got up and helped the bird fix its leg.  A few days later the bird came back to the lazy man and gave him a seed.  The lazy man took the seed and planted it in his back yard.  After a few months when the melon was ripe the lazy man took the melon and cut it in half and discovered the melon was filled with gold and silver coins inside.  News of his windfall spread across the village.  One man heard the news and decided to imitate the lazy man.  He stayed home and didn't do much.  There was also a bird's nest in his house.  The bird was sitting in its nest when suddenly the man knocked its nest down with a pole.  The bird fell on the floor and broke one of its legs.  The man walked over and helped fix its leg.  A few days later the bird came to the man and gave him a seed.  The man was very happy and planted it in his back yard.  After a few months when the melon was ripe the man cut the melon in half and discovered the melon was filled with poisonous snakes.  One of the snake bit him and the man died.

Moral of the story:  What goes around comes around.  Do onto others as you would like done onto you.  Altruism is rewarded.  Greed is punished.  

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