Thursday, February 13, 2014

The little girl and Balloon seller
The little girl went to the village fair and found a balloon seller there. The balloon seller was selling his balloons filled up with gas that could float on the air. The girl came to the balloon seller and asked him, "Will that green balloon float in the air?" "Yes.", the balloon seller replied. " What about the red one? Will that float in the air?" "Yes", the balloon seller answered. " What about the black one back there? Will it be able to float in the air?" "It will also float in the air", the balloon seller replied. He told the little girl, "Dear, it is not the color that makes the balloon to float in the air. All these balloon that I have will float in the air as they all are filled up with gas. It is the gas that is responsible for the balloon to float not color."
Moral of the story: Our appearance does not make any difference in our performance. All it matters is our ability to perform a specific task. As long as someone has the ability to get things done nothing else can stop him or her to perform.

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