Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Fish and the Octopus

Deep down in the sea lived a fish named Gary.  Every day on their way to school, Gary and his classmates travelled through the reef passing all kinds of sea animals.  Near their school lived an old octopus named Fred who had a head that was mutated due to the toxic waters that he used to live in when he was young.  All of the students would laugh at Fred and tease him whenever they passed except for Gary who was always nice to Fred asking how is day was going.  One evening on their way home from school, a group of sharks sneaked up behind the pack of fish and started chasing them, gobbling them up one by one.  Quick to notice was Fred who spotted the pack of fish in trouble.  Recognizing Gary in the middle of the pack, Fred reach out his tentacle and snatched Gary holding him  safely underneath his body until the sharks had finished their feast.  Once it was safe, Fred released Gary and said, “Thanks for always being kind to me and help brighten my day”.  

Moral:  Always be nice to people because you never know what they are capable of and if you will ever need their help.

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