Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Dog and The Cat


                                                  The Dog and the Cat
                                                  Written By Clarence McClain
       “I got your ass now!” screamed the dog.  "This pussy is too fast for u" replied the cat, as she evaded the dog. An owl watching from above asked the two of them, "Why are dogs and cats always fighting? You two can't be mad at each other because this is the first time you guys have seen one another." The dog replied first saying, "I just don't like cats, I'm big and she's small, she meows I bark, and I'm chasing her because she's running.” The cat said to the owl "I hate dogs, dogs are dirty and we cats are clean, you are loud and stupid, and I'm quiet, calm and smart." The owl shook his head as the chase continued through the woods.
         After running for what seemed like forever, the cat and dog were captured by hunters. Surprisingly while in captivity the cat was the one who was loud. The cat screamed and panicked while the dog stayed calm and quiet, smartly waiting for an opportunity to escape. When the hunter turned his back the two escaped. The cat and the dog went their separate ways in deep thought, trying to understand why what they thought they knew about each other didn't hold true. On their way back through the woods they each saw the owl that questioned them earlier and the owl said to the cat and the dog “I told you don't know enough about one another. Next time make sure you read the book before you throw it away, don't just look at the title.

Moral is you don't know someone until you know them. Don't prejudge or assume,take the time to learn a person before you decide to love or hate a person

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